Thursday, August 9, 2007

SDCC 2007: Um, More Weta?

Oy, so I feel like I've left out something in my Weta-thon post...

Here is the intrepid Lord Cockswain and Moon Mistress. This bad@$$ sculpture was LIFE-SIZED! It was a bit eerie to walk by this every day, as Lord Cockswain seems to have a twinkle in his eye. In fact, in one video I saw, I could swear his eyes moved! Freak-y. Since it was made of some type of foam and was NOT roped off, you could often spy little children poking at it, bits being knocked off, and Jaime performing emergency surgery with a bottle of tacky glue. Seriously though, the sculpture was really life-like, the skin was amazing. I spotted this hilarious video of Cockswain getting dressed. ;)

Sorry, Broadmore. :P

In case you didn't know, Weta Bug is the awesomest. You know who thinks so? Weta. Apparently, Daniel Falconer did the original Weta Bug illustration, from which this statue was made. Several Weta members were involved in the sculpting and painting of this one of a kind collectible. Hmmm...makes me think I should commission a marybluefairy collectible...Okay, at least a drawing? No? A sketch? Sigh...

So these thingies here were a sore spot with some fans at Comic Con. I cannot profess to be a Dr. Who fan (in fact, I caught a glimpse of the show the other day and declared it to be so awful, I changed the channel, heh), but there are apparently legions of them and they were piping hot when these bits of gold cloth stayed on all weekend! There were to be 4 statues revealed at SDCC, but only two were uncovered. The two here were not yet approved for viewing, though Jaime slyly let a few bits and bobs peek out. You can read the labels for yourself if you are so inclined. I, however, was present when Jaime briefly lifted the covers to give us a look (no pics, sorry). Mighty impressed, I was, though I still don't have any desire to watch the show! I will be stoned by Dr. Who fans who justifiably feel that such fortune was wasted on my miserable self. :P

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