Thursday, August 9, 2007

SDCC 2007: OMG the Secret is OUT!

Okay, so maybe you don't know, because you're my geeky "friends," but I am very serious when it comes to keeping my "worlds" separate. There's 1) family, 2) "school" friends- high school and/or college, 3) work friends, 4) work, and 5) geek friends. I tell you, most of them don't even know the rest exist. I have separate emails, phone numbers, credit cards!!! Most of all, I keep you guys well away from #1-4. My "wardrobe" does not consist of Star Wars/Hot Wheels/Transformers t-shirts, jeans, shorts, long black coats, dark sunglasses, baseball caps, and sneakers. (I am not high-maintenance, though, I swear!). I do not have the Star Wars theme as my ringtone. I have not even seen Star Wars more than twice in entirety. I do not go into Toys r Us, K*B Toys, Suncoast, FYE, the toy section at Target, Puzzle Zoo, Frank & Sons, comic shops, or the Games Workshop store at the mall when with, or in the vicinity of, people I know, present company excepted. I will generally not be seen with you at family functions, school reunions, my college campuses, work (at any of two dozen sites), or anywhere besides the Gaslamp of San Diego during Comic Con. If we happen to run into each other in such a situation, I will wave, smile, and then I will speed-walk away from you. Don't take it personally.**

Well, imagine how aghast I was when I stopped in at work today and one of my "work friends" asked, "So, how was Comic Con?" I just about died. I asked for the time off from work and I mentioned I would be in San Diego, but I certainly hadn't told her anything about it. Apparently, some people are capable of putting two and two together, even though I actually went to university in the area and could have been visiting a college buddy or something. Oh woe is me, I was caught so off guard, I had no cover. The answer went something like this..."I was, uh, visiting with friends...I am so over it, I wouldn't even have gone if they hadn't made me...I slept in almost every day (this part was true!) because I wasn't that interested...I only went for the drinking (partly true, though I did NOT have enough liquor, that was disappointing)."

I might have to quit my job. Thanks a lot, Comic Con.

**Tongue planted firmly in cheek, of course. :P Don't hit me!


Unknown said...

Wow, I wish I could keep it a secret... I seem to wear my geektitude on my sleeve, and it doesn't take anyone long to figure it out.

bluefairy said...

Hey Friend! Go on, let your geek flag fly! Just because I'm in the closet doesn't mean anyone else should be. :)