Thursday, August 9, 2007

SDCC 2007: Sideshow

Beside Gentle Giant, Sideshow is one of the few companies out there still making Lord of the Rings products (amen!). There was a relatively large public debut of new pieces, which garned mixed reviews from the fans. In order of how much I like them:

1. Sam $70
Mr. Frodo couldn't have made it very far without him. This little 1:6 scale figure packs a whallop with his highly detailed kit. Pots, pans, bedrolls, Sam is like a Boy Scout, always prepared. Since I don't have a Sam and Bill statue, this is a maybe for me. The bodies for the hobbits are due in part to Sideshow's new partnership with Hot Toys.

2. Frodo $70
I have so many Frodos. However, this one is a very good likeness and though not as detailed as Sam, should be well worth the $70. I have a problem with both hobbits, though...I am not digging the very visible ball-joints in the ankles. I wouldn't really need poseable feet, would I?

3. Gandalf the Grey $150
I like it, I do. The price is reasonable, so is the size. Likeness, pretty good. I even like the pose. Drawback? I have two Gandalf busts, two Gandalf statues, and Gandalf on Shadowfax. Pass.

4. Aragorn vs. Uruk Hai $299
Sorry I didn't get a good shot of the whole diorama. This one is an impressive size, since you basically are getting three statues and a little environment. I don't have an Aragorn statue, so that's in it's favor, but I am not going to devote this amount of space right now. The Uruks look very good, even the Aragorn likeness is better than usual. However, even though they seem to be dynamic poses, I am not getting much energy off this piece, if that makes any sense. Aragorn does not look like he is dealing out a whuppin' to these guys.

5. Gandalf the White $275
This is definitely the low man on the totem pole. The buzz on this piece was not encouraging. In fact, I heard a rumor that Sideshow sent this to New Line even though they were not completely happy with it. They were surprised that it was approved, and now they cannot change it. Hopefully this is not true, because it needs significant tweaking. I made a remark that the beard looked like whipped cream, it's just so dense. I got some laughs, but in the end, people agreed with me. I know that rooted hair would look even worse (unless done in the uber-expensive Cinemaquette way), and I certainly could not do better, so I'll leave it at that. The kit does look pretty nice, I can tell that the Sideshow fabrication team did their homework. This is nit-picking, I know, but the quilting on the tunic doesn't seem quite right. I'm sure it is accurate, but something does not ring true. Also, I was not aware that the flaps of the top "skirt" were microsuede. At least, that's what the fabric on the figure appeared to be. I'd have to watch the movie again, but that texture should be apparent on film, right? This doesn't bode well for the future of the Premium Format line, which started off with a bang (Lurtz). I hope this isn't the case, we need more LOTR products for everyone. :)

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