Saturday, March 17, 2007

Autographed Faramir Helm

Dear Collectors,

Do you notice anything unusual about this helm?


I had the good fortune to have David Wenham autograph my Faramir Helm last Saturday. I probably waited about 10-15 minutes. Having mistakenly thought that the line was going to take a lot longer than it did, I went back to the hotel room, but rushed back in time to be one of the last through. Since I was totally oblivious to the "no pictures" rule, I had my camera out. I try to be helpful in such situations and tried to show him where to sign it. Well, the woman in charge dismissively said, "Oh, he's signed lots of these before," to which he added something to the effect of "Yes, and it's rather difficult to do." I take a few blurry pics as he carefully pens his name:

It is only after I get back to the hotel room and open up the carefully swaddled base that I discover...that he signed the back.

In the photos above, I have the helm on the base properly. However, on my shelf it is displayed signature and helm forward. It doesn't look terribly out of place, as the helm obscures the top of the base (which indicates the direction), but still. Had I noticed while I was still in his presence, I might have sheepishly asked him to write "Faramir" on the front. John Rhys Davies signed my Gimli bust similarly, with the signature on the front and "Gimli" on the back. Ah well.

I also have a lovely portrait of David and I together, and indeed we are wearing eerily matchy-matchy black shirts, but no I am not blogging it! One thing I noticed about him in close proximity was the straw-like texture of his hair. I swear it was sticking straight out in the back!

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